Home Users Survey 6%

    1. How well do you think you understand the concept of the Soggy Doggy app?

    Home Users Survey 12%

    2. Are the graphics & design pleasing to look at, or work with?

    (Rate the design based on design preference 1-10)

    Not ReallyLoved them!

    1000 Characters:

    Home Users Survey 18%

    3. Which features of the web app are the most useful for you and why?

    (Multiple selections allowed)

    Love this feature!Couldn’t care less about this featureDon’t want this feature

    500 Characters:

    Home Users Survey 24%

    4. What did you like most about the Soggy Doggy App?

    1000 Characters:

    Home Users Survey 31%

    5. What did you like least about the Soggy Doggy App?

    1000 Characters:

    Home Users Survey 37%

    6. In the last 12 months, have you used any of these services?

    (Multiple selections allowed)

    Once in the last yearMore than twice this yearAt least once per month

    Home Users Survey 44%

    7. Are there any other services you would like us to add?

    1000 Characters:

    Home Users Survey 50%

    8. Based on the concept of the Soggy Doggy app, would you recommend this app to your friends and family?

    1000 Characters

    Home Users Survey 56%

    9. What problem does the Soggy Doggy app essentially solve for you?

    1000 Characters:

    Home Users Survey 62%

    10. Do you think it’s reasonable to pre-authorize your credit card within 24 hrs of job start based on the tradie’s estimation of the job duration? (We will only charge your credit card for the actual job duration, after the job has been completed)

    500 Characters:

    Home Users Survey 68%

    11. We believe in providing you with up-front, competitive and transparent pricing. This means we’ll charge you a fair hourly rate, plus any materials or extras you ask us to do.

    Do you think this is an important part of the Soggy Doggy app’s appeal over other “quote based” tradie apps?

    500 Characters:

    Home Users Survey 74%

    12. Would you consider subscription services for regularly used services?

    Gardening, say once per fortnight?
    House Cleaners (weekly, fortnightly, etc)
    Home Users Survey 80%

    13. What are the alternatives that you would be considering along with the Soggy Doggy app?

    250 Characters:

    250 Characters:

    Home Users Survey 87%

    14. Please tell us about yourself

    Please tell us your age group

    Home Users Survey 93%

    15. Contact Details (we will never share this information with anyone, we promise)

    Please provide your contact details (we like our privacy too, so we promise we won’t share this information with anyone!)

    Home Users Survey 100%

    16. Lastly, how did you first hear about the Soggy Doggy app?